?Movie2K? Watch Free Jumanji: The Next Level

Jumanji: The Next Level ?Movie2K?




  • Directed by=Jake Kasdan
  • Casts=Kevin Hart, Karen Gillan
  • Duration=123m
  • Jake Kasdan
  • genre=Comedy


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You neglected to add Rory McCann to the cast list. He portrays Jourgan the Brutal. You need to mention him. He is a fantastic actor featured in 7 of 8 seasons of Game of Thrones.

It"s been a while since I cracked up on a trailer... I"ll be there opening night. I heard karen"s accent and i was in shock for a full two minutes. im uncultured man lol. Nobody : Literally nobody: Kevin : TRICK OR TREAT. The Rock just had to sit up the front. 0:25 grandpa eddie? anthony? danny devito? hotel? trivago. Oh I took 9 million steps today Classic speedsters Edit:3 is the most likes I ever had. All this is just TERRIBLE REHASH OF THE LAST 40 YEARS. just STOP.

Bravestone: smoldering intensity. Smolders Kevin: What the hell are you doing. I absolutely lost it in the theater at this scene. Jumanji 3? I didnt even catch the 2nd one! I wish I looked like Dwayne Johnson, he really is built like a freaking ROCK. ????????. Looks like they havent skipped out on the details. I think theyve actually put their heart and soul into this continuation, and not just made a cheap one. In fact, is that she might be even better than the last one. Well done to all the actors once again for their outstanding performances. CAAAAAAANT WAAAAAAIT.

Once they are famous. A lot of takes. noone complains. What happened? yes i"m back! I missed you so much. oh my god you guys hi! bethany? you guys! we"re back in jumanji. ????????????.

ALL the animals were enchanced and I hope there is another FILM

Karen is so beautiful????. I reckon the next movie will be underwater. Think about it. The first one was the Jaguar Stone, a land predator. The second one was the Falcon Jewel, a sky predator. If theres sky and land, the next is sea. And whats a sea predator? A shark. Therefore, I believe in the next movie, Nigel will show up in a submarine/boat, and the Shark Gem or Shark Diamond or whatever will be missing in the hands of some other villain dude. I hope we see Milo the Horse in Jumanji 4. “Trolls 2: InStringity War”. The original title for 8 was: Whitey the blue eyed-devil gets smoked.